How Does ULT Ultrasonic Handle 3.0MM?


How Does ULT ultrasonic handle (3.0MM) ULT Ultrasonic Handle 3.0MM?

Ultrasonic Power

The ultrasonic power of an ultrasonic system is measured by a radiation force balance. There are several different types of balance arrangements for this purpose. Most of the arrangements are described in IEC 61161 and participated successfully in international intercomparisons. Ultrasonic companies may rate the watts of their systems in two ways; peak watts and average watts. It is best to base all calculations on the average watts of an ultrasonic system.

Zenith offers a unique multiple frequency technology (US Patents 5,865,199, 6,019,852) which eliminates the guesswork of selecting the proper ultrasonic frequency for your application.

Ultrasonic Frequency

Ultrasound is sound with a frequency higher than the range of ULT ultrasonic handle (3.0MM) human hearing (20 kHz to single-digit gigahertz (GHz)). Its uses span many industries and fields, including health care, manufacturing and the military. It can also be found in consumer products such as non-contact sensors, movement detectors, flow meters, materials testing and range finding.

Ultrasonic frequencies are generated by the piezoelectric effect through a ceramic or quartz-like material such as lead zirconate titanate and transmitted to a diaphragm, similar to how a stereo speaker transmits sound waves through air. These vibrations create a mechanical stress on the surface of an object or liquid, causing it to expand and contract. This motion can dislodge contaminants from the surface or work them loose, resulting in an ultrasonic cleaning.

Ultrasonic frequency determines the focusability of an ultrasonic transducer and therefore influences how effectively reflected energy is localised in a given spatial sector. For this reason, it is advisable to consider the direction-of-arrival estimates averaged over frequency rather than using them at a single point in time. This allows for a more stable spatialisation of the source.

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